Self Care and Self Pleasure with Sex Coach Nikki

Las Vegas Sex Coach Couples Sex TherapyDo you think it is truly possible to put self-care, including self-pleasure, first?

I see it espoused all the time – to prioritize yourself.  Take care of yourself.  I move in circles where they prioritize pleasure above everything else.  Use it as a foundation and a basis for life and business.  Use it as a way to regulate the nervous system and emotions. 

I’ve been attempting this.  Putting pleasure more top of mind.  Today when I tried to think about what I should post I felt a sense of heaviness and stuckness.  I’m moving through big emotions in my personal life and feeling very tender and sensitive.  I am also feeling whatever is in the air – the fear of the virus, this current wave, many people getting sick, and the uncertainty of the future.  It seemed like things were starting to pick back up business-wise but now things are uncertain again.  What could I possibly write or share that would be helpful? 

So I stopped and took time for self-pleasure.  It was not convenient or the “right” time.  I know I am privileged to have the privacy to do it.  I was able to work through some of these emotions during my session but mostly I was able to get the touch and care that I feel I needed.  I was able to experience feeling good and special and know I don’t need to depend on anyone else for that.  Feelings of love and worth come from inside and I can do something like self-pleasure to show that to myself. 

I still have a heavy heart, but it’s ok.  I can move through it and be available for connection and service.  This too shall pass – everything does.  It will ultimately work out, one way or another.  One of the biggest things about feelings is that they are based on beliefs.  Beliefs are thoughts that we think over and over.  Change your thoughts, change your beliefs, change your feelings. 

My thought for today is that it is all working out for me.  If I can think and believe that then everything that happens will be filtered through that lens, that point of view, that perception. 

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